7 个回答
| 2017-10-06 08:08:54 广告
1、英语翻译:(1)Tree roots die, old people feet first decline树老根先死,老人脚先衰(2)Trees die for senescences of roots, people become aging at the beginning of old feet.树老根先死,人老足先衰
| 2017-10-06 08:34:47 广告
我觉得最好是能知道产品更多的信息,那样更符合你的要求才是。Perished root leads a tree to death,Poor maintenance of foot leads a person to senescence.我想要去押韵,又抓住保养的概念,有点麻烦,暂时就这样子了
| 2017-10-06 08:24:00 广告
Trees die from withered roots.Men become old with weak feet.
| 2017-10-06 08:23:18 广告
the death of tree is because the root is old, while man show senilities because of weak feets.
| 2017-10-06 08:21:26 广告
Roots rot the tree,Feet feel the man.- -#这样可以吗??押韵的说,想了半天~~~~或者把复数改了Root rots the tree,Foot feels the man.
| 2017-10-06 08:15:44 广告
The aging of trees starts from the death of roots, while the aging of human begins with the weakness of 请仔细理解我,并比较心情。使用老化名词表达变化。
| 2017-10-06 08:08:50 广告
Trees, aging from the death of roots; people, aging from the senescences of feet.Trees die for senescences of roots, people become aging at the beginning of old feet.
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