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  • 匿名 | 2017-10-05 13:24:17

    一.唐与日本史实 631年日本派出了由留学生和学问僧组成的第一次“遣唐使”。到838年止,日本派出遣唐使共十三次.1970年在西安发现的日本银币,很可能就是遣唐使带来的。日本奈良东大寺内正仓院所存放的唐代乐器、屏风、铜镜、大刀等珍贵文物,就有一部分是遣唐使带回去的。为了吸收中国的文化成果,日本选派了不少留学生来唐学习,他们被分配到长安国子监学习各种专门知识。日方代表人物阿倍仲麻吕。公元717年到长安入唐太学就读。毕业后受到唐玄宗李隆基的赏识,在唐朝廷担任官职,同时取了一个中国名字晁衡,并长期留居中国,擅长诗文。在唐历任光禄大夫、秘书监等职。中方代表人物鉴真大师东渡:鉴真生于公元688年,比晁衡大一岁,他多次受日本佛教界多次邀请,也立志东度日本传授佛教戒律,从公元743的开始,他先后五次东渡日本,因种种原因都未成功。历尽艰险的鉴真双目失明,可是他东渡日本的决心丝毫没有动摇地,他们与天宝十二年十五日开始启航前往日本. 二.唐与印度史实   玄奘贞观三年西行,孤身涉险,历尽艰难,经秦凉高昌等地,抵天竺北境,即越过今之新疆省北路,经西土耳其斯坦、阿富汗而进入印度境内,沿途瞻礼圣迹,迤逦南行,至摩揭陀国。时为贞观五年,... Tang and the real history of 631 this school to ask the monk group sent to the Tang Dynasty to send the 838 only to send the Tang to a total of thirteen .1970 Xi'an found the silver coins can be sent to the band with the Nara East Temple storehouse storage Tang Dynasty instruments, screens, copper Mirror, knife and other precious cultural relics to send the Tang Dynasty to take the culture of the election to send less to leave Tangxian with the security of all kinds of expertise on behalf of the object Arik Zhong Ma Lu 717 into the Tang Taizai graduated by Tang Xuanzong Li Longji appreciated Tang court as official The name of the tanheng period of time to stay in good at the poem Tang Li Renlang Luofu, secretary and other representatives of the official Kam Kam Kam division East: Ji Zhen in the year 688 than Chao Heng-year by the invitation of the Buddhist community determined to teach the East Buddhism discipline 743 The first five East of the original of the original have not experienced the hardships of Truthlessness of the blindness of the death of the final did not shake and treasure twelve fifteen set sail to the two. Tang and India, the history of Xuanzang Zhenguan three West line alone Experienced hardships by the Qin Liang Gaochang and other arrived in the north of the territory of the territory of Xinjiang, Xinjiang, north of the territory of the West Turkestan, Afghanistan into the territory of India along the way of the sacrifice to the south of the line to the exposition of the imperial division of the five priests thirty years old The discipline of yoga teacher and so on Zang image carried by its relic like where hundreds of statues and other relics were 150 Please outer Buddhist Fan Wenyuan Code 520-657 and the《唐西域记》及熬糖三.唐与今朝鲜韩史实681新罗神文王即位唐高宗遣使册封唐与新罗关系始新页――全面友宗藩关系唐《户令》规定:外唐朝境内所州、镇供给衣食并且安置空余土入籍唐《赋税令》规定:定居唐朝境内外享受免除10赋税优厚待遇唐允许新罗聚居区设立自治机构行使定程度自治权利首先唐求新罗崔致远新罗留佼佼者崔致远自幼12岁泛海自费求87418岁崔致远考进士.崔致远28岁归崔致远新罗先任翰林士、守兵部侍郎、知瑞书监等职崔致远隐居实践传播道教思想公认本土宗教――道教传入新罗功东丹祖新罗道教鼻祖美誉其唐求新罗僧慈藏身贵族家僧636赴唐求唐太宗派官员慰问并赐丰厚财物安置安城内胜光寺别院643新罗命令慈藏唐太宗亲自召见慈藏赐予杂彩500段《藏经》1部担任新罗统主管全僧尼切事务制定戒律――慈藏定律整肃教团力推新罗佛教发展圆测唐高僧玄奘著名弟圆测于15岁(627)唐都安留始跟、僧辨习佛教经纶玄奘竺归圆测改向玄奘习《瑜伽师论》、《唯识论》慧超于719唐广州先拜印度僧金刚智唐僧空师新罗僧藏具传奇色彩71924岁金乔觉华先至杭州辗转至九华山据说金乔觉其99岁行圆寂召众示寂尸坐于石函死3肉身腐与佛经藏菩萨相似佛教信徒认藏菩萨化身称金藏居士、僧众葬建立藏塔供朝拜九华山亦逐渐形盛香火佛教四名山同朝鲜半岛音乐传入唐朝四.唐与亚欧洲史实波斯商遍布各波斯丝绸路重要转站食唐高宗遣使通广州食建立伊斯兰礼拜寺早知纺织瓷器等技术通食传入欧洲非洲阿富汗隋唐称吐火罗处东西陆路交通要冲丝绸路南路必经唐太宗吐火罗派使臣唐通高宗曾派使者访问玄宗双往尤频繁吐火罗曾送名马、玻璃、玛瑙等波斯即今伊朗我古书称安息17世纪期波斯食灭亡波斯王卑路斯王先定居安都客死唐朝许波斯商唐朝经商设波斯胡店经营宝石、珊瑚、香料、药品驰名唐朝称阿拉伯食651食遣使唐通纺织、金银等制作技术尤其造纸术传入西亚及欧洲、非洲隋唐称东罗马拂公元166秦安敦王朝首派使臣东汉欧洲家同我直接友往始唐朝通丝绸路运往东罗马丝绸、瓷器更东罗马吞刀吐火等杂技、治疗痢疾眼病等医术传唐朝展开


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