2 个回答
| 2017-09-28 08:11:30 广告
一、新加坡南洋理工大学条件:雅思:6托福纸考:580托福网考:88二、新加坡南洋理工大学是新加坡政府建立的大学,是新加坡国内最好的一所大学之一、在新加坡国内大学排名中位居第二,它的前身是1981年成立的南洋理工学院。 南洋理工大学设有商、工、文、理四大学院,下设12所学院,并拥有国立教育学院、拉惹勒南国际关系学院及新加坡地球观测与研究所三个自主机构。它虽是一所综合性的大学,但偏重于理工科和商科,在纳米材料、生物材料、功能性陶瓷和高分子材料等许多领域的研究,享有世界盛名。南洋理工大学的工程学院曾被获评为世界最杰出的工程学院之一。商学院的MBA课程荣登全球MBA百强排行榜,南大也拥有备受国际认可的国立教育学院、扬名亚洲的传播与信息学院,以及走在新加坡生命科学发展最前沿的生物科学学院。 时至今日,南洋理工大学已是一所科研密集、名列全球前50名的世界顶尖级大学,吸引着包括多名诺贝尔奖得主在内的来自区域内及世界各地的众多精英学者,被誉为全世界最出色的工程学府之一,成为工科和商科并重的综合性大学。
| 2017-09-28 08:29:58 广告
1.BFA Program:Bachelor of Fine Arts 2.你是要申请艺术学院吗?这个没有经验,下面是从NTU网页上摘抄的一些东西,自己到那个网站上看看吧 International Students > How to apply? This application is not applicable to candidates presenting the following qualifications: Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level qualifications (Category A) Diplomas awarded by the polytechnics in Singapore (Category B) Singaporeans/Singapore PRs with international qualifications (Category E) Former students of NTU seeking re-admission; current or former students of NUS & SMU seeking admission (Category E) Please apply through the respective categories when the applications open in Feb/Mar 2008. Admission to AY2008-09 Undergraduate Programmes for International Students General Information on Application All applications have to be submitted electronically. This will ensure faster delivery of your application and accurate transfer of your data. Upon successful on-line submission, supporting...1.BFA Program:Bachelor of Fine Arts2.你是要申请艺术学院吗?这个没有经验,下面是从NTU网页上摘抄的一些东西,自己到那个网站上看看吧International Students > How to apply?This application is not applicable to candidates presenting the following qualifications:Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level qualifications (Category A)Diplomas awarded by the polytechnics in Singapore (Category B)Singaporeans/Singapore PRs with international qualifications (Category E)Former students of NTU seeking re-admission; current or former students of NUS & SMU seeking admission (Category E)Please apply through the respective categories when the applications open in Feb/Mar 2008.Admission to AY2008-09 Undergraduate Programmes for International StudentsGeneral Information on ApplicationAll applications have to be submitted electronically. This will ensure faster delivery of your application and accurate transfer of your data.Upon successful on-line submission, supporting documents have to be sent by post to reach NTU Office of Admissions and Financial Aid not more than 1 week after the closing date. Applications without supporting documents will not be processed.Only one electronic application should be submitted. Duplicate applications will not be processed.Inaccurate or false information or omission of material information will render your application invalid and those admitted on the basis of such false or incomplete information will be asked to withdraw.Application FeeAn application fee of S$30 or US$30 is applicable for payment by bankdraft. Applicants who choose to pay by credit card will enjoy a discounted application fee at S$20. Application fee is non-refundable.Entrance ExaminationSome applicants may be required to take an entrance examination before a final decision on admission can be made. Details of the examination (date, venue, subjects) will be made known to shortlisted applicants. No additional payment is required to take the entrance examination.SAT/TOEFL/IELTSSubmission of SAT, TOEFL and IELTS scores are optional for students applying with international qualifications.International QualificationsInternational students must have completed at least 12 years of general education or will be taking Year 12 national examinations in the year of application in order to be considered for admission.The more common international qualifications which we consider for admission are as shown below.Please click the hyperlink of your qualification to access the application form.---------------------------------------------------PRCNational College Entrance Exam (NCEE) or Gao Kao27 Sep 2007~ 29 Feb 2008Shortlist for Entrance Exam/Estimated Appln Outcome:Apr 2008/Jun 2008-----------------------------------------------------* Students applying with STPM qualifications, please submit E1119 English certificate, if applicable.** Students whose 'A' level results are expected to be released in or after August 2008 would be considered for admission to AY2008-09 on a case-by-case basis. Admission is based on at least 3 'A' Level subjects taken in a single seating.*** Students applying with IB qualifications, please apply before the closing date and submit the actual IB result as soon as it is available.-------------------------------------------------------Minimum Subject RequirementsArt, Design & MediaMathematics at Junior High School level/IB Standard level----------------------------------------------------------Application StatusThe progress of your application status can be checked on-line.EnquiriesE-mail: adm_intnl@ntu.edu.sgTel: (65) 67905806/7Fax: (65) 67946510展开
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