3 个回答
| 2017-09-25 09:27:07 广告
阿尔萨斯:father..is it....over?父亲...切都结束...?王:At long last,No king rules forever,my son.结束.王权没永恒,我阿尔萨斯:I see..only darkness...before me....我面前,片..黑暗......王:Without its master's command.the restless scourge will become a even greater threat to this world.没主,灾军团变更加疯狂,阻挡Control must be maintained必须保持控制There must always be a Lichking定要..巫妖王弗丁:The weight of such a burden...It must be mine, for there is no other...份沉重担,由我扛吧.没比我更.....伯瓦尔:Tirion!!!提奥You owe a grim destiny in your hand,brother. But it's not your own.握着残酷命运,属于..弗丁:Bolvar!By all that is holy....伯瓦尔圣光伯瓦尔:The dragon's flame,sealed my fate,the world of living can no longer comfort me..巨龙火封印我命运,者世界已经让我厌恶Place the crown upon me hand,Tirion,Forever more, I will be the jailor of the damned...王冠放我份诅咒永远由我看守弗丁:No old friend,I can not..朋友我能伯瓦尔:Do it!Tirion!快提奥You and these brave heros have your own destiny to fullfill..This last act of service....is mine些英雄自命运..任务由我完..弗丁:You will not be forgotten,brother..历史永远记住..兄弟伯瓦尔:I must be forgotten,Tirion!我必须遗忘提奥If the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear,They must never konw what's done here today...世界想恐惧重今发切必须遗忘伯瓦尔:Tell them only that the lichking is dead...and Bolvar Fordragon died ....with him告诉巫妖王死..伯瓦尔弗塔根同归于尽...伯瓦尔:NOW!GO!LEAVE THIS PLACE!AND NEVER RETURN!!!走吧离永远别再
| 2017-09-25 10:03:50 广告
阿尔萨斯:father..is it....over?父亲...切都结束...?王:At long last,No king rules forever,my son.结束.王权没永恒,我阿尔萨斯:I see..only darkness...before me....我面前,片..黑暗......王:Without its master's command.the restless scourge will become a even greater threat to this world.没主,灾军团变更加疯狂,阻挡Control must be maintained必须保持控制There must always be a Lichking定要..巫妖王
| 2017-09-25 09:45:10 广告
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