2 个回答
| 2017-09-23 09:59:09 广告
说属于近立新单位给良意见自与工作员勾通适合参加冒新公司都单位做臭没经营更换名字重新始忽悠藏家其业务员自称经理总监王总打电忽悠藏家其实普通业务员拉皮条专忽悠没见识实说能介绍拉拢五六家拍卖公司缴费等委托缴费业务员与公司半委托费想想公司网站专家照片贴忽悠藏家特别北京东三环家单位网站放张文物鉴定仪器图片其实废旧电冰箱改装设备文物鉴定仪器忽悠藏家藏品交易与参加拍卖识:请仔细阅读避免受骗我本参加拍卖七八总计花费25万血泪公平客观答让更藏家少受伤害阿弥托佛苦海边岸藏友问某某公司否规骗靠任何单位都制注册营业至于服务质量收费标准自考察衡量定谨慎避免高收费藏品交造伤害特别夸口说保证能交公司十八九骗费用公司律规定规单位能收购倒卖古董其别单位现金收购古董名让藏家先鉴定真品现金收购其实没买家忽悠藏家交完鉴定费鉴定故意告诉东西假鉴定费退保证金退注意:1、内保利嘉德其外资企业佳士苏富比目前外征集藏品未设任何办事处别拍卖业务员说我能帮送进骗2种藏家交故意说交种见别发财其些藏家东西没选故意说公司3、拍卖公司业务员拉皮条拉业务互相诋毁其公司导致内似乎没几家单位收藏拍卖交易参考资料:行业划古董拍卖鉴定交易目前部单位集海北京、青岛藏家参与前定比较解才能避免受骗祝您发财收藏拍卖交易参考资料二:关于拍卖资质与文物拍卖资质文物家备案发掘藏品叫文物或者文物商店购买藏品叫文物百姓手藏品属于民间收藏艺术品属于文物百姓手藏品自由古玩店摆摊等自由参与买卖交易些藏家问单位文物拍卖资质没属于知识稀少提问要藏品源文物商店购买内98%拍卖公司艺术品经营公司都给拍卖交易文物拍卖资质家指定交易院没收资产与良资产处理古董公司百姓手藏品与文物没关系属于自由买卖需任何资质2015家鼓励文化市场发展取缔各类资质阻碍切简要工商注册任何单位都权经营收藏艺术品业务收藏拍卖交易参考资料三:疯狂混乱鉴定关于前混乱古董鉴定件古董拿别给八位专家看能四种同结每位专家各各观点所要纠结藏品投放市场买真品专家都靠收鉴定证书费骗机器检测都操作主要骗收鉴定费藏家给自藏品买堆鉴定证书卖鉴于疯狂混乱鉴定市场买家都自相信自眼光购买藏品作藏家要藏品能投放靠谱单位等于功半需购买哪些没用证书收藏拍卖交易参考资料四:拍卖风险拍卖风险建议家谨慎参与顶级品牌单位近些真实付款交率50%行情整体乐观藏品家尽量找古玩城店板推销卖掉或者摆摊处理掉拍卖属于钱风险投资适合普通百姓参与特别给打电公司并藏品值钱主要收图录费鉴定费、关费、交易保证金等陷阱等着钻入内规单位谁跟啰嗦谁给打电别收入低经济困难藏家醒醒吧几百万、几千万没做梦收藏拍卖交易参考资料五:确判断与习藏家拍卖受骗才发恼骚投诉举报维权都起作用导致雪加霜应该参与前提三月考察比较各公司企业文化与服务特点其要知道自量参加拍卖求财银行借款相似见钱向没钱低三四公司给五电神经病忽悠忽悠缴费公司用忽悠市场宾朋满座门庭若市收藏拍卖交易参考资料六:畸形发财态知识匮乏、家庭困难知农民朋友钱没概念拍卖公司巨额估价诱惑估价2000万藏品先交5--20万服务费类农民想着要我凑够20万等于2000万快手所抵押房产变卖产工具牲畜牛羊东凑西借20万交给拍卖公司工作辞田荒忙着预定宝马名车结拍卖结束没交棒20万打水漂盲目参与导致家破亡事迹发简单问题藏家析问题试想假委托四件东西少能交件立刻百万富翁容易发财干脆60万房卖掉委托100件东西少交两件500万划算今拍十副齐白石画交2副骗古董拍卖想交参与保利嘉德收低端藏家东西交家高兴失败家说骗所藏家缴费些东西容易交导致藏家郁闷结论骗合理收藏拍卖交易参考资料七:比较实力规单位【像规保利嘉德都几百平米办公室藏品放办公室与与展柜买家随随看】除外行业内95%拍卖单位租实际使用面积60平米办公室藏品签订委托合同近千件藏品堆放潮湿室见存放半等拍卖几才拿藏品酒店花五六千元租场着急火预展两卖几件等于完拍卖种式几乎没卖东西任何希望收藏拍卖交易参考资料八:靠谱拍卖目前90%拍卖公司电频繁忽悠没脑百姓参加征集1000件始准备拍卖拍卖整程酒店租两场1000件藏品展示等于预展两预展现场仔细观察前观赏藏品除几十委托预展现场瞎溜几乎没任何买家场观看两预展结束第三始拍卖拍卖场座95%藏家委托卖东西掩饰藏家类拍卖公司费100元雇佣些业游民弱病残充买家举牌我参加七拍卖看见些拍卖公司买家板拍卖午吃饭现场抢牛奶抢面包狼狈堪拍卖结束暗打听属于雇失业低保户稍思想百姓能看门道其拍卖公司招商租80平米办公室雇给藏家打电忽悠藏家送拍种单位买家说实自摆摊效靠谱拍卖观察公司实际营业式具体给藏家做些看真实服务看服务假靠谱收藏拍卖交易参考资料九: 看服务与行情【引用资料1、青岛华锦拍卖公爵拍卖】:拍卖公司服务行业要做优秀首先做服务满足各类藏家需求第:于高端藏家:我做高端星级服务第二:于经济困难摆摊层低端藏家【我提供交收取任何费用档服务】让藏家轻松愉快参与让艺术走进确引导收藏市场引用资料2、嘉德拍卖公司现象需要抵制改变风气家应该互相习、探讨、研究收藏者应该自水平提高进步深化收藏文化进入文化领域简单收藏收藏能狭隘经济利益、传承我家文化几给带经济利益附加值已【引用资料3、---青岛前门集团拍卖公司】:关于藏品估价:通俗点说家漂亮闺嫁普通百姓比较随便嫁村村村机嫁给县、奢望哪嫁给市、觉嫁-------思想熟藏家藏品估价要求理想根本闺嫁给省简单件低端藏品要求拍卖百万、千万、疑闺必须要嫁给家主席( 合理估价藏品想交定估价要合适价格符合市场行情哪都机交易)【引用资料4、---保利拍卖公司】收藏逐渐普及化藏品市值藏品自身创造金论放哪都发光***藏家注意内目前2000家拍卖单位其98%单位都前期收费收费公司三种交收任何费用公司 (类公司内五六家)收前期费用流拍要收流拍费(内20家)委托前收费用委托暗藏费用(欺诈公司直说买家要藏品等鉴 定真品收其买家已经付款需要缴纳定保证金找理由退或者公司跑路藏品没)4.前交收取任何费用单位目前北京保利拍卖、 (普通藏家征集)北京嘉德拍卖、 (普通藏家征集)北京翰海拍卖、 (普通藏家征集)北京匡拍卖海荣宝斋拍卖海城隍庙海朵云轩海道明拍卖海嘉禾拍卖青岛华锦拍卖青岛公爵拍卖青岛艺拍卖青岛银座拍卖青岛麒麟阁拍卖单位藏品交没前期费用收钱费用按拿走即
| 2017-09-23 10:01:35 广告
现在的有些艺术品拍卖公司即便被315曝光了,它只要重新改个公司名称,照样可以存在。 【本人借要华人首富画家黄泽金先生经典语录:我不敢说收取前期费用的艺术品拍卖公司都不可靠,但是敢说收取巨额前期费用的艺术品拍卖公司百分百都不可靠!】 1、现在的艺术品拍卖公司十有八九都不可靠,特别是收取高额前期费用的艺术品拍卖公司十有八九都不可靠,甚至可以说十有十不可靠,百分百不可靠。 2、现在的艺术品鉴定专家十有八九都不可靠,特别是艺术品拍卖公司重金邀请的艺术品鉴定专家十有八九都不可靠。有时可以说十有十不可靠,百分百不可靠。因为,他们永远只会站到邀请方的角度和利益说话。在个人的利益和金钱的驱使下,他们常常把真的说成假,假的说成真,真品说成赝品,赝品说成真品,宝贝说成垃圾,垃圾说成宝贝,值钱的说成不值钱,不值钱的说成值钱。 3、现在的艺术品拍卖公司十有八九都是靠收取前期费用而生存,而不是靠拍卖艺术品而生存。现在的艺术品拍卖公司十有八九都是靠收取前期费用为目的,而不是靠拍卖艺术品为目的。 4、当艺术品拍卖公司把赝品当成真品卖,而后被买家发现是赝品时。如果此赝品是别人委托的拍品,Then the art auction company must bear the responsibility of 50% ... now the art auction company even 315 exposure to re-change the name of the company according to the book [borrowed by the Chinese richest man painter Huang Zejin classic quotations: I dare say that the cost of pre-paid art Auction companies are dare to say that the huge amount of pre-charge cost of art auction companies hundred rely on] 1, is the art auction company 189 are charged by the high cost of pre-auction art works eighteen nine are relying on even ten Rely on hundreds of rely on 2, is the art of identification experts 1898 are relying on special art auction company heavily invited art experts identified eighteen nine are relied on ten hundred rely on the eternal station to invite the interests of the interests of money to drive the truth that False hypothetical real product that fake fake that genuine goods that garbage garbage said that the value of money that value worth the money 3, is the art of auction companies 189 are charged by the early cost of the auction art works of art auction company 189 All rely on the collection of pre-cost items by auction art items 4, works of art auction company fake genuine sellers found fake fake do not commission auction works of art auction company must % 50 Responsibility only to be responsible for the full refund of the other compensation for the counterfeit auction company since the purchase of the auction works of art auction company must bear% 100 responsibility only responsible for the full refund of another compensation works of art auction company itself or must have the identification of art The authenticity of the expert ability to identify the authenticity of the works of art (home should stand) 5, calendar art auction company kind of sale to sell counterfeit goods genuine sale of the line or even the crime line itself has the authenticity of artwork or identification of art True and false responsibility for the sale of counterfeit goods can be up to tens of thousands of dollars, hundreds of thousands of dollars, millions of dollars, tens of millions of dollars, or even hundreds of millions (home should stand) 6, every art market art market value market chaos market Low credibility, low market credibility, the market deceive consumers serious, the auction company to deceive the consumer serious, counterfeit goods genuine serious, the artist cheats the collector serious, the seller cheats the buyer serious business integrity to do the credibility of the first thing to talk about the efficiency of speaking quality Buying and selling can be made to talk about the integrity of the business can do care from the integrity and credibility of the stability of the works of art Quotes I am afraid of the real works of art to sell your precious West expensive art works of real works of art High value of fine works of art forever treasure 7, the family should be cautious works of art auction company new cheat before the start to take any fees for the bait sellers to lure the company and then bite the bite to take the charges and pay the number of works paid Back to do Sapporo is now charged thousands of tens of thousands or tens of thousands of dollars that: spend money to spend money to spend thousands of thousands of dollars, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars to earn millions, tens of millions and so let the temptation, Believe that the contract with the signing of the contract is bound to be hundreds of deceived so far the world did not hand back the money before the submission of any money to pay back the money to pay another% of the commission to remind me to remind or advise the desired auctioneer, collector or artist Before the auction to collect huge amounts of the cost of the auction company immediately to win the winner to figure out the things you want to buy things to spend money to remember the money to sell artwork loss of death and death, compensation for my family are expected to pay early The cost of spending huge sums of money to collect huge amounts of money to obtain profiteering auction company from the home to recognize the cost of pre-paid costs to pay the initial cost of birth I want to charge a lot of pre-paid costs to obtain profiteering auction company completely disappeared must I never denied the cost 8, some of the works of art auction company has not really auction pictures, He won the money charged sellers large upfront cost profiteer Plainly registered companies charge a large upfront cost project from beginning to end auction to auction art project to do a cover or mask the word do now scared and art auction companies make companies lose profits to the company and served as What risk to charge the seller to charge the high cost of the initial budget has been to do something to do something to participate in the company during the auction to keep the line as to be able to sell things to be too busy things can be sold in the claims that I want to advise some of the auction company auction art The seller will receive a high amount of pre-paid costs The company will be careful and cautious, and then, will be sure to think of the tens of millions of dollars to be set to do something to sell things do not sell back to spend less innocent money to remember to sell things to sell Things to spend money to remind the money from the money to tell the current art auction company 189 are charged by the special high cost of pre-auction works of art eighteen nine are relying on even ten One hundred things or something really want to look at the two firms to see the two rows of three trip three trip ten, ten to a few look at the final look for the company to rely on the real The auction company to charge any pre-charge the special financial strength of the more powerful auction company more charge any pre-cost auction purposes, pay, pay, pay profit, pay for foot, pay for development (Note: Quotations any or company matter do not Number of seats) to start
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