2 个回答
| 2017-09-07 16:53:57 广告
人们常用“扶不起的阿斗”比喻那种懦弱无能、没法使他振作的人。 刘禅是刘备的儿子。 邓艾灭了蜀汉以后,后主刘禅还留在成都。到了钟会、姜维发动兵变,司马昭觉得让后主留在成都总不大妥当,就派他的心腹贾充把刘禅接到洛阳。 刘禅本来是一个昏庸无能的人。诸葛亮在世的时候,全靠诸葛亮掌管着军政大事,他也不敢自作主张。诸葛亮死后,虽然还有蒋琬、费袆、姜维一些文武大臣辅佐他,可是他毕竟不像诸葛亮在世时候那么谨慎了。到蒋琬、费袆死去后,宦官黄皓得了势,蜀汉的政治就越来越糟了。 到了蜀汉灭亡,姜维被杀,大臣们死的死了,走的走了。随同他一起到洛阳去的只有地位比较低的官员郃(音xì)正和刘通两个人。刘禅不懂事,不知道怎样跟人打交道,一举一动全靠郃正指点。平时、刘禅根本没把郃正放在眼里,到这时候,他才觉得郃正是个忠心耿耿的人。 刘禅到了洛阳,司马昭用魏元帝的名义,封他为安乐公,还把他的子孙和原来蜀汉的大臣五十多人封了侯。司马昭这样做,无非是为了笼络人心,稳住对蜀汉地区的统治。但是在刘禅看来,却是很大的恩典了。 有一次,司马昭大摆酒宴,请刘禅和原来蜀汉的大臣参加。宴会中间,还特地叫了一班歌女演出蜀地的歌舞。 One ... with the help of the fights metaphor kind of cowardly energy, did not make up for Liu Zen Liu Bei Deng Ai destroyed Shu Han Liu Zen stay all bell, Jiang Weifa soldiers change Sima Zhaojue let the main stay are always abdomen Jia Jia Liu Zen Luoyang Liu Zen fainted Zhuge Liang The world thanks to Zhuge Liang in charge of the military government dare to advocate Zhuge Liang death Jiang Wan, Fei, Jiang Wei, some text Wu Chen auxiliary after all like Zhuge Liang cautious Jiang Wan, Fei 袆 death eunuch Huang Hao trend Shuhan politics more and more bad Shu Han perish Jiang Wei kill the death of the walk along with the relatively low level of Luoyang officials 郃 (sound xì) Liu Tong two Liu Zeng know know that with the move to rely on 郃 pointing flat, Liu Zen did not put on the eye was waiting for 郃 loyalty Geng Geng Liu Zen Luoyang Sima Zhao With Wei Yuan Emperor name of the name of the closure of the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States, See some song and dance to think of the pain and pain almost lost tears Liu Zen grinning look like a palace from the palace to observe the performance of the feast Jia Jia said: Liu Zen no liver step Tian even if Zhuge Liang I am afraid that did not make Shu Han to maintain what ginger Sima Zhao meet Liu Zen asked Liu Zen said: You miss Shu Liu Zenhehe He said: very fast I miss Shu (music Shu Shu) next to the auditory too like Liu Zen said: You should answer the king (referring to Sima Zhao) Liu Zen Said: by the meaning of that? 郃 said: Jin Wang asked you you should shed tears that: my ancestral graves are Shu I can not think that Xu Jin Wang put me Liu Zen said: I remember Sima Zhao asked From Liu Zen said: I treat you wrong you want to miss Shu Liu Zen think of the original teachings of the original back to the end of the effort to install the sad tears of tears closed eyes Sima Zhao see the mold as early as white smile said: like 郃 said ah Liu Zen surprised eyes silly looking at Sima Zhaizhao: 郃 teach me Sima Zhao by laughing about the paternity hold laughter Sima Zhao only see Liu Zen confused do not want to kill with the help of lifting the fights metaphor kind of cowardly, did not make the boot
| 2017-09-07 16:46:38 广告
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