2 个回答
| 2017-09-02 15:43:17 广告
最大的应该是SPIE Photonics West吧,一般是每年的二月左右在旧金山举行。学术届和工业界都有很多人参与。
然后有更偏学术一些, 但也有工业界展台的OSA Frontier in Optics (FiO). 大多在罗切斯特,圣何塞,华盛顿,佛罗里达等地轮着召开。每年10月份左右吧。
还有SPIE Optifab, 是光学加工(Optical Fabrication)方面的一个会。也有很多美国国内和国外的公司参展,主要在罗切斯特。
| 2017-09-02 15:39:45 广告
比较general的光学会议有- SPIE Photonics West
- 很综合的一个大会,每年2月中旬在San Francisco开,由于SPIE本身比较偏industry,Photonics West的topics比较偏应用。分三个分会场: BIOS,OPTO, LASE,它们的topic areas如下:
LASE Topic Areas•Laser Source Engineering•Nonlinear Optics•Semiconductor Lasers and LEDs•Laser Micro-/Nanoengineering•Laser Applications•Green Photonics•3D Printing
BiOS Topic Areas•Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics•Clinical Technologies and Systems•Tissue Optics, Laser-Tissue Interaction, and Tissue Engineering•Biomedical Spectroscopy, Microscopy, and Imaging•Nano/Biophotonics•Neurophotonics, Neurosurgery, and Optogenetics•Translational Research•3D Printing
OPTO Topic Areas•Optoelectronic Materials and Devices•Photonic Integration•Nanotechnologies in Photonics•MOEMS-MEMS in Photonics•Advanced Quantum and Optoelectronic Applications•Semiconductor Lasers and LEDS•Displays and Holography•Optical Communications: Devices to Systems•Green Photonics•3D Printing
2.Frontier in Optics (FiO/LS)
Optics Society of America (OSA) 美国光学协会的年会,由美国物理协会和光学协会联合赞助举办的。每年大概10月底开,位置不定。2016年是在Rochester, NY开。会议更偏学术内容。 Topics 包括
FiO 1: Optical Design and Instrumentation
FiO 2: Optical Sciences
FiO 3: Optics in Biology and Medicine
FiO 4: Fiber Optics and Optical Communications
FiO 5: Integrated Photonics
FiO 6: Quantum Electronics
FiO 7: Vision and Color
Laser Science Topics
3.CLEO (Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics)
每年6月中旬在加州圣何塞(San Jose)举行,在我看来是光学领域覆盖非常全的一个大会,分三个会场,小方向分的很细。既有basic science也有applications。基本上CLEO上面可以看到做光学的所有组了...Science and Innovations
1. Light-Matter Interactions and Materials Processing
2. Laser Systems and Facilities
3. Semiconductor Lasers
4. Nonlinear Optical Technologies
5. Terahertz Science and Technology
6. Optical Materials, Fabrication and Characterization
7. Micro- and Nano-Photonic Devices
8. Ultrafast Optics, Optoelectronics and Applications
9. Photonic Integration
10. Biophotonics and Optofluidics
11. Fiber Photonics
12. Lightwave Communications and Optical Networks
13. Active Optical Sensing
14. Optical Metrology
QELS/ Fundamental Science
1. Quantum Optics of Atoms, Molecules and Solids
2. Quantum Science, Engineering and Technology
3. Metamaterials and Complex Media
4. Optical Interactions with Condensed Matter and Ultrafast Phenomena
5. Nonlinear Optics and Novel Phenomena
6. Nano-Optics and Plasmonics
7. High-Field Physics and Attoscience
Applications & Technology
1. Biomedical Applications
2. Industrial Applications
3. Photonic Instrumentation & Techniques for Metrology & Industrial Process
4. Laser & Photonics Applications for Energy & Environment
4. 其他具体方向知名会议
如:- 光通信方向有非常霸气的Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC),还有欧洲的ECOC。
- AMO (Atomic, Molecular and Optics 物理(原子和分子光度测向)将转到APS Physics | DAMOP, 一个AMO物理的大会。是美国物理协会主办的。主要是实验和理论光学。
- 我现在研究方向下,比较常去的会除了上面1,2,3三个大会外,还有:Optics in the Life Sciences, Optics and the Brain, 还有 Novel Techniques in Microscopy。。。
- SPIE Photonics West
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